Who am I? Well, my name is Giovanni Sasso. Friends call me Gio. I’m a guy trying to create the life that I’ve always wanted but the road to live life on my own terms has been littered with obstacles. This site is my attempt to share my experiences with you, but more than that, it will be my online diary that will continue for many years to come. I have big plans for this site but it will take time to fully realize.
Note : This is currently being rewritten as it was written in a frenzy a few years ago. I can do better. I will do better. We’re all a work in progress, continually pivoting.
Why “Pivot or Die?”
I debated whether to call my site “Pivot or Die” or try to find another name that was more friendly. Let’s be honest, Pivot or Die sounds harsh upon first reading, but I have very sound reasons for sticking with this name.
First of all, this is my personal site — it represents me fully and completely. From my experience of life I knew I had to change my life or I would die — at least metaphorically speaking. It was that simple. There was no option. I reached a point where I could no longer continue to keep walking the path I was on. I had to change because I hated my life so much. Initially I was going to call it “Change or Die” but that was taken, thankfully, “Pivot or Die” was available — which I happen to like better than the former anyway. The word “Pivot” has entered our lexicon and it has remained with us, being used in a variety of ways; including businesses and personal change. To pivot is human and necessary for a good life.
On my journey of life (so far) I’ve come to realize that in order to live a fulfilling life I must continually adapt, change, learn and grow. Standing still is not the way to a contented life. I’m happiest when I’m pushing myself and taking on challenges that genuinely interest me. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that I need to continually be learning 24 hours a day. I’m not saying that I’m unable to relax. In fact the opposite.
My point is that, on average, I need to evolve and push myself beyond my comfort zone. The term Pivot or Die is a succinct way for me to express my need for growth, but I feel this applies to all of us. As human beings we need to move out of our comfort zone in order to test our talents and potential. The absolute worst thing we can do is settle in and remain stuck in a life of complacency. I’ve been there and I know that over time, complacency will destroy your soul and ultimately, your motivation.
My Story | The Short Version
From a young age I always felt a certainty that I had the potential to do something great with my life. It felt inevitable that I would create the wonderful life that I imagined — even though I didn’t consciously know how I would go about it. It was just a feeling.
Currently being rewritten. Stay tuned.